Wildcats Successful At EC Invitational

Congrats to the Boys and Girls Track and field team who both finished runner-up at the EC Invite. There were many PRs and winners but the highlights of the night were…

Cody Moore won the 800m run and finished 2nd in the 1600m run. He scored the third most points of anyone at the meet.

Ashlan Hill won long jump, Anna Schatzle and Evan Apsley won pole vault, all three are undefeated on the year in those events.

Mitchell Orschell broke the school record in the Long Jump with a jump of 21’11.5″. He also went on the win the 100m dash and the 200m dash. He was later on name Meet MVP for scoring the most individual points.

In the last event of the night, the girls 4×400 team of Ashlan Hill, Jenna Orschell, Katelyn Meyer, and Kirsten Voegele broke the school record with a time of 4 minutes 17 seconds.

A quote from Coach Davidson, “This was the most exciting race of the night. To watch these girls grind and push for one another was a site to be seen. They did something magical because they performed for each other, not themselves.”


Courtesy of Wildcats Coach Joe Davidson.