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Buy – Sell – Trade

Weekday Mornings 9:10-9:30

Whether you’ve got a used lawn mower or a kitchen sink, a set of china, or an old TV set; Dial-a-Deal is your chance to buy, sell, trade, or give away items – FOR FREE. It’s the classified ad section of the airwaves.

Call Dial-a-Deal from 9:10-9:30 a.m. weekday mornings at

  • (812) 934-5112
  • (812) 222-8000

You can fax in your items with a description and telephone number to Dial-a-Deal at (812) 934-2765.

Click here to submit your listing for on-air mention on Dial-a-Deal.

Rules & Restrictions

We limit Dial-a-Deal participants to three entries per week and three items per entry (no matter which medium you use: phone, fax, e-mail, US Mail). We also ask that no weapons or firearms be put on the program. No businesses, please! Dial-a-Deal is for individuals, only.


Day Item(s)Number
Friday FREE - 2-year-old Orpington cross rooster
Monday FOR SALE - 10 new white folding chairs 934-4359
Monday LOOKING FOR - Gas stove593-2162
Monday FOR SALE - Puppies. 2 female shih tzu chihuahua mix, $50 each. 3 chihuahua puppies. 363-4569
Monday FOR SALE - glider rocker with matching footstool.
Rocker recliner
Tuesday FOR SALE - Homelite Little Red XL chainsaw with a case and a new 12-inch bar and chain $40934-5426
Tuesday FREE TO A GOOD HOME - a 6-year-old, black and white terrier that has been spayed. She is great with kids527-7045
Tuesday FOR SALE - 6-feet pre lit christmas tree with white lights $20756-1867
Tuesday FOR SALE - Oak firewood $70 per rick212-6684
Wednesday FOR SALE - a portable snare drum practice pad $20
FOR SALE - a new sump pump $25
FOR SALE - a rear window for a Polaris $20
Call or text 571-2455
Wednesday FOR SALE - 2-in-1 safety gate or play yard $30
FOR SALE - K’s Collection Christmas village houses $5 - $10 each
FOR SALE - 100 plus pieces of Candlewick glass
Call or text 716-6394
Wednesday FREE TO A GOOD HOME - a 6-year-old, black and white terrier that has been spayed. She is great with kids
Wednesday FOR SALE - 2 cement well casings with tops. $50 each
2 100 gallon fuel tanks, complete with pumps and hoses
Sofa $100
Wednesday LOOKING FOR - good, used gas stove 593-2162
Wednesday FOR SALE - electric wheelchair, burgundy, like new. Torque 3 brand. $1,000 346-7520
Wednesday FOR SALE - Straw767-9526
Wednesday FOR SALE - 3 chihuahua puppies. 2 white, 1 black and tan. $50 each
2 shitzu chihuahua mix. $50 each
Thursday FREE TO A GOOD HOME - a 6-year-old, black and white terrier that has been spayed. She is great with kids
Thursday FREE - Upright black piano with bench. You must move. 934-3450
Thursday FOR SALE - Refrigerator. Good for garage. $40934-5136
Thursday FOR SALE - glider rocker with matching footstool.
Kirby vacuum $50
Thursday FOR SALE - Square bales of hay 525-0676
Thursday FOR SALE - Maple firewood 363-5287