St. Louis Catholic School students earn VFW honors

Photo: (L-R) Jackson Wanstrath, Audrey Beiser, Benjamin Moster, Adam Laloge, Bettina Rose (not pictured is Summer Ratcliffe)

Batesville, In. — StLouis Catholic School seventh and eighth-grade literature students taught by Mrs. Rose recently participated in the VFW Patriot Pen Contest.

Students were given the prompt by the VFW, “What gift did America give our generation?”  They were then asked to write a few paragraphs about their personal thoughts.

Thoughts varied from technology to medical advances to, simply put, our freedom, and many students included an inspirational quote from an important historical figure to really drive their essay’s message home.

St. Louis Catholic School students took the podium placing 1-5!  Along with recognition through the VFW, students earned cash for their thoughts and one will compete against others in the state of Indiana.


Here is a snapshot of SLS’s academic achievements:

1st   Audrey Beiser $200 — and the local finalist who will compete against others in the state!

2nd  Summer Ratcliffe $150

3rd  Jackson Wanstrath $100

4th  Adam Laloge  $50

5th  Benjamin Moster $30