Spartans Jayce Allen balances her way to state gymnastics meet

Connersville’s gymnastics team shown here after qualifying for the Franklin Central Regional. Connersville Athletics file photo.

In Saturday’s IHSAA Gymnastics Regional hosted by Franklin Central, Connersville’s Jayci Allen scored 9.425 on beam to place fifth and qualify for state.  Allen also qualified as a state finalist in all-around by placing sixth overall.  Her combined four-event score was 36.075.

The state finals are at Ball State’s Worthen Arena this Saturday. Opening ceremonies start at 11 am.

As a team, Connersville placed sixth with a mark of 100.2.  Champion Columbus North was 10 full points better and finished nearly three points ahead of runner-up Bloomington North at 107.225. The third and final state qualifying team was Richmond at 106.7.

We thank Connersville’s Joann Borders for the regional information.