West Nile confirmed in Shelby County

Boggstown, In. — Mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus have been confirmed in Shelby County. The insects were found in traps placed at the Water Resource Recovery Facility on Boggstown Road on July 18.

Robert Lewis is a sanitarian and manager at the Shelby County Health Department and he says drain all standing water, cover exposed when outdoors and use a repellent that contains Deet. Because weather conditions have been somewhat mild people are more likely to be outside around dusk or after he urges extreme caution.

Information from the CDC says 1 in 5 people infected with the virus will experience flu-like symptoms, less than one percent of those infected will develop serious neurological issues. People over 60, those with existing health conditions, small children and pregnant women are most at risk. There is no vaccine or antiviral treatment for the disease.

The Shelbyville News and Giant 96-WSVX contributed to this story.