Volunteers sought for Relay for Life activities in Dearborn, Ohio Counties

Dearborn & Ohio Counties, In.— The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is seeking volunteers in Dearborn & Ohio Counties – walkers, cancer survivors, caregivers, community leaders, anyone wanting to make a difference – to organize and recruit fundraising teams, garner community support, coordinate logistics, seek refreshments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend a hand to ensure the success of the 2019 event. Relay For Life is a truly unique experience which unites communities to finish the fight against cancer. Volunteer support is crucial to the event and will help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

Relay For Life events are individuals and teams with the goal of keeping at least one team member on the track or pathway at all times. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their camp sites at the event. Relay For Life brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups . . . people from all walks of life – all aimed at celebrating the lives of those who have had cancer, remembering those lost, and fighting back against the disease.

“Relay For Life is all about our community uniting with the American Cancer Society and supporting its efforts to finish the fight,” said Sami Peddenpohl, Fund the Mission Lead. “Volunteers and participants who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event are making a commitment to let Dearborn & Ohio County community members know that cancer can be defeated.”

An event leadership planning meeting will be held Monday, August 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lawrenceburg Community Center, 423 Walnut Street.

If you would like to join the Relay For Life of Dearborn & Ohio Counties as a volunteer or team participant, please contact Event Lead Josh Richey at josh.richey@outlook.com or click here.