Ripley Youth Outreach provides birthday boxes

birthday-box-500x331RIPLEY COUNTY, Ind. — Ripley Youth Outreach is ensuring that every child in Ripley County will have the ingredients necessary to celebrate their birthday.

For the past 3 months, the members of the Youth Outreach have been collecting donations to launch their Birthday Box Program.

The program will provide children, 10 and under, whose parents are served by a local food pantry, with the essentials to celebrate a birthday.

Each box will contain cake mix, frosting, candles, and balloons.

Over 100 birthday boxes were packaged on November 20th, and were distributed to the 8 food pantries in Ripley County.

While taking donations, the outreach also received toys, which were donated to Safe Passage, and school supplies that were donated to Jac-Cen-Del’s Kindgergarten Care Package.