Monroe County, In. — See bald eagles in the wild during a driving tour at Monroe Lake Saturday, Jan. 26.
The tour is self-guided and runs from 1 to 3 p.m. It will have six outdoor shoreline stops, each staffed by experienced birders who will assist attendees in viewing eagles and other birds through spotting scopes.
Tour attendees can also get an up-close look at a bald eagle and several other raptors at a bonus indoor tour stop featuring live education birds from Hardy Lake.
Advance registration is $5 for adults ($3 for children) and is available through Jan. 24 by calling 812-837-9546 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Walk-up registration is $7 for adults ($4 for children) at the Paynetown Activity Center on Jan. 26 beginning at 12:30 p.m.
All attendees must check in at the Paynetown Activity Center to pick up a tour map and get their event badges, which must be worn in a visible location while visiting tour stops.
The Paynetown Activity Center is located next to the swimming beach inside Paynetown State Recreation Area, 4850 S. State Road 446, Bloomington. Admission to Paynetown SRA is free during the winter months.
Complimentary cocoa and cookies will be available for tour attendees at the Paynetown Activity Center; attendees are encouraged to bring their own travel mug. There will also be eagle crafts to make, bird checklists, and lake maps.
The Fourwinds Lakeside Inn, located on the other side of Monroe Lake at Fairfax SRA, is offering a special lodging rate of $69 per night for a lake-view room on the nights of Jan. 25 and 26. Rooms must be reserved by Jan. 19 at 812-824-2628 and you must specify that you plan to attend the eagle tour.
Fourwinds guests can receive a “buy 1 get 1 free” discount on walk-up registration for the Bald Eagle Driving Tour by showing their hotel receipt/confirmation (for the night of Jan. 25 and/or 26) at the Paynetown Activity Center.