MMH to team with SIYMCA for free health fair this month

(Batesville, IN) – On Saturday, June 24, Margaret Mary Health (MMH) and the Southeastern Indiana YMCA (SIYMCA) are hosting a community health fair from 7-11 am.

Held at the SIYMCA in Batesville, this free event is called “Home Run for Health” and will feature more than 30 health and wellness screenings, seminars, and activities throughout the morning.

For those in need of diabetes and cholesterol checks, MMH will be offering A1C and cholesterol screenings at the event. Fasting is recommended.

Other free screenings include blood pressure, oxygen level, fall risk, balance, and posture assessment.

Another highlight of the event includes educational seminars with healthcare and fitness professionals.

Orthopaedic Surgeon Grant McDonald will be discussing hip, knee, and ACL injuries; OB-GYN Kelley Fitzpatrick will discuss cervical cancer screenings; and Family Medicine Physician Jonathan Feist will share tips for improving sleep.

Instructors from the SIYMCA will also be available to offer free fitness classes, including youth weightlifting, indoor cycling, yoga, Zumba, pickleball, and more.

Attendees are encouraged to register for two great door prizes – a one-year YMCA family membership and a Cincinnati Reds game-day package.

For more information or a complete schedule of events, visit

(Margaret Mary Health press release)