Local ISP troopers honored for drug recognition work

(Photo: Indiana Criminal Justice Institute)

SOUTHEASTERN IN — Two area law enforcement officers have been recognized by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) for their years of service as certified drug recognition experts.

Indiana State Police troopers James Herbert (pictured with ICJI Executive Director Devon McDonald) and Cameron McCreary were presented with Traffic All-Star Awards during a ceremony in Indianapolis.

Herbert is assigned to Decatur County while McCreary patrols Dearborn County, where he also serves as county coroner.

Both Herbert and McCreary have each logged five years as drug recognition experts.

Officers must complete more than 100 hours of coursework and training before they can test for certification.

ICJI says only one percent of the officers around the state are certified as drug recognition experts.

Officers are also required to complete yearly in-service training along with evaluations in order to maintain the certification.