Indianapolis, In. — Indiana Senate Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy committee members have passed a bill designed to attract data centers and large technology companies to Indiana. House Bill 1405, authored by Ed Soliday (R-Valparaiso,) is the most aggressive data center economic development initiative ever proposed in Indiana. It would provide financial incentives and tax exemptions for data center equipment and energy purchases to companies locating in qualified centers within the state.
Digital Crossroads, a data center complex currently under construction in Hammond, Indiana, is one organization which will benefit from the tax exemptions.
“We are thrilled by the unanimous decision to move HB 1405 to the Senate floor and ensure that Indiana remains a top choice for data center construction,” said Tom Dakich of Digital Crossroads. “I applaud Rep. Soliday for his foresight in authoring the bill, Senator Messmer (R-Jasper) for serving as lead co-sponsor in the Senate and Rep. Pressel, Rep Lehman, Rep Jackson, Rep Harris, Rep. Huston, Senator Holdman, Senator Melton and Senator Randolph for co-authoring, co-sponsoring and supporting this important legislation.”
During committee, an amendment was added to the bill which creates an additional exemption for construction costs if 75 percent of materials, professional services and labor used for rehabilitation or construction for the qualifying data center is sourced from Indiana vendors.
“We support Hoosier businesses and are very excited about the inclusion of the Buy Indiana amendment to HB 1405,” said Peter Feldman, CEO of Digital Crossroads. “With Digital Crossroad located in Hammond, Indiana, it only makes sense to source a majority of our construction materials and labor from our neighboring businesses in Lake and Porter Counties.”
HB 1405, which passed the Indiana House of Representatives by a vote of 95-1 on February 19, now proceeds to the Senate floor.
For additional information about Digital Crossroads of America Data Center click here.