BATESVILLE, Ind. — At the April 25th meeting of the Knights of Columbus, St Anthony Council 1461, Batesville, Indiana, checks from the profits of various fund raisers were presented to the following organizations:
First row, left to right Laurie Husted, Batesville Crisis Pregnancy Hotline; Mary Jane Wessel, Right to Life of SEIN; Kara Tsuleff, St Peters Parish; Margarita Case, St Anthony Parish; Julia Heidlage, Holy Family Parish.
Second row, Mike Stenger, Grand Knight; Christie Andres, St Peters Parish; Victor Back, All Saints Parish; Debbi Lamping, Oldenburg Academy; Cathy Sullivan, St Louis Parish; Nicki Wuestefeld, St Louis Parish; Rev. Roger Dean, President Batesville Ministerial Association; Deputy Grand Knight Mike White.
Also receiving a check but unable to attend were Seminarians Andrew Prickel of St Anthony and Joe Herring of St Nicholas, St Meinrad School of Theology, Gibault School and St Nicholas Parish.
Also receiving money from the Batesville Knights of Columbus for the first time was the Ripley County Chapter of the Salvation Army. All of the money that the Salvation Army collects in Ripley County stays in the area. Accepting the check from Grand Knight Mike Stenger was Sue Siefert and Sister Margie Wissman.