Celebration of Life for John Beckelhymer
The family of John Beckelhymer invites you to join us in a Celebration of John’s Life on Saturday May 18, 2024,
beginning at 1:00 pm.
T he event will take place at Hocking Hills State Park, in the OLD MAN CAVE Shelter.
The address is:
Hocking Hills State Park
Visitors Center/Old Man Cave Shelter
19852 State Route 664
Logan OH 43138
There is parking by the visitors center but it is limited, please carpool if at all possible.
Please bring chairs if you are able. The event is BYOB.
Catering will be from Millstone BBQ.
PLEASE RSVP by MAY 4, 2024 if you plan to attend.
If you have physical pictures of John (or DVD’s) – please bring them as well. We are making memory books for
his daughters, so they will know their Daddy, his friends and interests. Digital pictures can be emailed to
Hocking Hills had a special place in John’s heart. He was married in the park and spent many happy weekends
there. We know John would want us to celebrate his life, and we will have music and some of his favorite foods.
HHSP is located roughly two hours from Cincinnati. For anyone planning to spend the weekend, here is a link
to find a cabin: