Batesville, In. — For the first time in more than 10 years, flu activity has been reported in all 48 contiguous states. With more than two months left in the flu season, Indiana has reported 107 flu-related deaths.
Sixty-two percent of cases in Indiana are reported in resident between 5 and 24-years-old. More than 75 percent of the 107 deaths have occurred in resident 65-years-old and up.
Officials from the Centers for Disease Control say get a flu shot, maintain proper hand and respiratory hygiene, cover your cough and if you are suffering from symptoms including a fever stay home until the fever has broken.
For people suffering from influenza A or B, two-weeks and older and suffering symptoms for less than 48-hours Tamilfu is an option.
Tamiflu is an antiviral drug that prevents the flu virus from multiplying in the body and reduces symptoms. It can be used in a prevention program but is not a substitute for the flu vaccine.
CDC officials report demand for Tamiflu is up 640 percent compared to same period last year. Localized shortages have been reported at some pharmacies. Although the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, and major pharmacy chains noted there is not a shortage of the antiviral, the increased demand has led some pharmacies to run out of the drug for several days.