High school seniors missing out on more than $70 million in federal aid

Statewide — According to State Senator Jean Leising, Indiana students who are seeking a post-secondary education are missing out on more than $70 million of federal funds by not completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is an annual form students complete that determines their eligibility for federal grants, private scholarships, work-studies, and loans. Students complete the form prior to their first semester of college and complete it again every academic year thereafter.

As of Jan. 18, there has been a 22% decline in FAFSA filing in Indiana, with 40% of that number made up of high school seniors with the greatest financial need. Indiana currently ranks 34th in the nation for FAFSA completion.

To address this decline and to ensure students can make a more informed decision on higher education based on the financial aid available to them, Sen. Leising authored Senate Bill 54. SB 54 would require all students in their senior year, except students at certain nonpublic schools, to complete and submit the FAFSA. If one of the student’s parents, or the student if they are an emancipated minor, signs a waiver that the student understands what the FAFSA is and declines to complete it, they would be exempted from this requirement. The principal or guidance counselor of the student’s high school may also waive the requirement due to extenuating circumstances.

SB 54 recently passed the full Senate with a bipartisan vote. It will now move to the House of Representatives for further consideration.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this bill or other legislation being considered in the General Assembly, please email Senator.Leising@iga.in.gov or call, toll-free, 800-382-9467.