Statewide — It’s that time of year again when the weather is cooling, leaves are falling, and the DNR is stocking channel catfish.
This fall, DNR will stock 147 locations with approximately 63,742.
Each year, the DNR stocks channel catfish statewide in publicly accessible waters. All locations should be stocked by the end of October or early November.
The channel catfish range in size from 8-10 inches. Once stocked, these fish acclimate to their new environment quickly and don’t take long to start biting.
The DNR encourages anglers to harvest the catfish.
Anglers interested in harvesting channel catfish need to follow bag and size restrictions. In most lakes and reservoirs, the statewide regulations are 10 channel catfish per day in lakes, with no more than one being longer than 28 inches. Some lakes have other bag limitations. Learn more at under Special Regulations Waters.
Local channel catfish stocking locations include:
Dearborn County (Body of water, size, amount)
- Amber Lake, 8 inches, 200
- Schnebelt Pond, 8 inches, 180
- Simon Lake, 8 inches, 160
Decatur County (Body of water, size, amount)
- Decatur County Park Lake, 8 inches, 750
Ripley County (Body of water, size, amount)
- Bischoff Reservoir, 8 inches, 2,899
- Mollenkramer Reservoir, 8 inches, 536
For a full list of stocking locations, visit
To view all fishing regulations, check out the state fishing guide at: