Decatur County 4-H Fair Parade winners

Approximately 85 units took part in Sunday’s Decatur County 4-H Fair Parade.

The parade winners are as follows:

  • Automotive Best in Show- Joshua Marsh.
    *Mayor Marsh asked that his $25 award go to New Directions*
  • Entry with the most enthusiasm- Decatur County Special Olympics.
  • Entry Decorated & Supporting the 2022 Parade Theme- Lifeline Wesleyan Church/Celebrate Recovery.
  • Royalty/4H Best Decorated & Supporting the 2022 Parade Theme- 4H Queen Entry.

An extra category was added due to the creativity and effort put into another entry:

  • Most Creative & Most Effort Put Into Entry- Decatur County Junior Miss Bicentennial (Ameliah Colin).

“I would like to thank all parade entries for their hard work and above all thanks for making the 2022 4H parade fun and exciting. I do have to take a second and thank the Decatur County 4-H Fair Sponsors and our parade judges,” said parade organizer Chris Ramey.

(Our thanks to Decatur County Fair Parade organizer Chris Ramey for providing the information)