DCREMC hosting member celebration and Town Hall this week

Greensburg, IN — Decatur County REMC(DCREMC) is celebrating its members during the month of October with Co-op month.  On Friday, DCREMC will host a drive-thru celebration.  They will have treats for you to pick-up which includes an ice cream sandwich, a good bag, and you will receive a $10 bill credit. 

Also during the drive-thru celebration, they will have 2 electric vehicles (EV) on-site to check out and ask questions. 

On Thursday, DCREMC will host a virtual Town Hall to help customers understand the change in the look of billing.  This meeting starts at 6 pm and the link to the zoom meeting is below.  

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 564 656 1425
Passcode: 6XisbG