Please join the family of Carl Hazelwood for a day of trap shooting, tales and food.
We will be remembering Carl on Saturday, November 5, 2022 by gathering at Carl’s 2nd home…….Tri-County Coonhunters located at 427 N. Coonhunters Road in Batesville.
We will start the day with a 50 bird Calcutta. Cost will be $20. Practice traps open at 10 a.m. and 10 birds are $2. Selling of the shooters will start at 11 a.m. We will shoot 16 yards and what you break, no closer than 23 yards. Minimum bid is $3.
Biscuits and gravy will be available to purchase until 11 a.m.
After the shoot, around 4 p.m., we will make our way to the downstairs of the lodge for a slide show with a delicious meal and drinks. Please join Bertha, Bill & Erin, Bernice, Thomas, Levi, Wyatt and all the others and bring your favorite Carl story.
Any questions please call: Bertha 812-212-4369, Bill 812-212-3182 or Thomas 812-717-0624.