Community Calendar

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Moving Through Grief Group

Are you experiencing a lack of motivation, adjusting to life after loss, or the thought that feeling sad will never end? You are not alone! Join Bridges Counseling and Family Services Center for Moving Through [...]

St. Teresa Fish Fry

St. Teresa Parish 23272 Gavin Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN, United States

St. Teresa KofC Fish Fries Council 14862 is hosting a Fish Fry on Friday, March 28th. Adult meals are $13, a Fish Sandwich is $7, meals for children 6 - 11 years old is $7, [...]

Moving Through Grief Group

Batesville Area Resource Center 920 County Line Raod, Batesville, IN, United States

Are you experiencing a lack of motivation, adjusting to life after loss, or the thought that feeling sad will never end? You are not alone! Join Bridges Counseling and Family Services Center for Moving Through [...]

Caregiver Support Group

Margaret Mary Health 321 Mitchell Ave, Batesville, IN, United States

Located at Margaret Mary Hospital (Main Campus) in Batesville, this is the Batesville Dementia Caregivers Support Group, sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati Alzheimer’s Association. This group will meet on the first Thursday of every month, [...]

Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program

Batesville Primary School 760 State Road 46 West, Batesville, IN, United States

Batesville Primary School will once again have registration for the Mandarin Dual Language Immersion program offered to incoming kindergartners for the 2025-2026 school year, according to BPS principal, Brad Stoneking. Kindergartners enrolling at Batesville Primary [...]

St. Teresa Fish Fry

St. Teresa Parish 23272 Gavin Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN, United States

St. Teresa KofC Fish Fries Council 14862 is hosting a Fish Fry on Friday, April 4th. Adult meals are $13, a Fish Sandwich is $7, meals for children 6 - 11 years old is $7, [...]

Bill Smith Underground Railroad Fetival

Decatur County Freedom Trail Association is hosting Bill Smith Underground Railroad Festival on Saturday, April 5th. You can enjoy docent-led bus tours, music, lectures, and more! This event was established to honor the legacy of [...]

Moving Through Grief Group

Are you experiencing a lack of motivation, adjusting to life after loss, or the thought that feeling sad will never end? You are not alone! Join Bridges Counseling and Family Services Center for Moving Through [...]

Kindergarten Registration and Academic Screening

Batesville Primary School 760 State Road 46 West, Batesville, IN, United States

Batesville Primary School kindergarten registration and academic screening will take place Thursday, April 10, 2025, in the gym, according to BPS principal, Brad Stoneking. Children must be five (5) on or before August 1, 2025, [...]

St. Teresa Fish Fry

St. Teresa Parish 23272 Gavin Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN, United States

St. Teresa KofC Fish Fries Council 14862 is hosting a Fish Fry on Friday, April 11th. Adult meals are $13, a Fish Sandwich is $7, meals for children 6 - 11 years old is $7, [...]

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.