BCEF 2018 Engraved Paver program dedicated to flexible learning spaces

Batesville, In. — Engraved pavers are back as the Batesville Community Education Foundation (BCEF) kicks off its second annual campaign, according to BCEF executive director Anne Wilson.  The education foundation has set a goal of raising $50,000 by June 30 to fund two additional flexible learning spaces and other vital foundation initiatives.

“Our engraved paver sale last year was very popular,” Wilson said, “and we’ve had a waiting list since then. We’ll be offering the pavers again and will have them engraved on-site within the patio already installed outside the new BHS arts and athletics entrance. As we did last year, we’re also requesting donations from community members to help us meet our goal.

“Thanks to widespread community support in 2017, we were able to donate $20,000 to the Batesville Community School Corporation (BCSC), which funded a flexible learning space at Batesville High School (BHS), Wilson explained. “Along with spaces at the other three school buildings — funded through a digital learning grant from the State of Indiana — the pieces we funded for English teacher’s Paul Satchwill’s room were well-received. BCSC conducted surveys of the students and teachers before and after the spaces were installed, and results showed student improvement in the areas of communication, creativity, and critical thinking.”

Flexible learning spaces are innovative classroom pieces that can be easily moved to facilitate independent study, small group collaboration, or total class interaction. Adaptability promotes student engagement and aids teachers in integrating technology.

“The program is so innovative, Batesville’s flexible learning spaces were featured recently on WKRC-TV in Cincinnati during its ‘News Where You Live’ segment,” Wilson explained. “That was exciting — to see something we supported being showcased for its ingenuity.

“The survey results and comments from the students and teachers confirmed BCEF’s commitment to expanding this initiative to additional classrooms,” Wilson said. “However, it is an expensive project, with the average cost to outfit one classroom (including multiple media screens) at approximately $20,000. Our goal of $50,000 will enable us to donate enough to BCSC so the administration can target two additional spaces in areas of most impact and leave us with enough to help fund some of our other programs.”

Pavers are available in the following three sizes:  4 inches by 8 inches with three lines of text — $75; 8 inches by 8 inches with six lines of text — $150; and 8 inches by 8 inches with a special blue Batesville B and four lines of text — $500.

“The paver patio turned out wonderfully,” Wilson said. “We encourage everyone to check it out if you haven’t seen it yet. From pavers for graduates to ones for families, alumni, or loved ones, it was interesting to see everyone’s creativity. This year, we’ll be doing the engraving on-site on the blank pavers already installed. Once those are full, we’ll consider opening up a new section if interest warrants.

“Everything needed to order a paver or donate is online at our website, BatesvilleEducationFoundation.org,” Wilson noted. “Paver orders and donations can be processed there with a credit card. Paper forms are available for download if someone wants to mail it in with a check.  Forms are also available at the BCSC administration building.”

Besides the pavers, Wilson notes the critical need for general donations from community members in order to meet BCEF’s goal.

“Last year, nearly 60% of our funds came not from the paver sales but from donors who believed in our mission and contributed,” Wilson added.  “We encourage everyone to consider if they can help us move this project forward with a donation and/or purchase of a paver. We think this flexible learning spaces initiative is a difference maker — and that’s what BCEF is all about.”

More information about BCEF, its mission, and the annual campaign can be found at BatesvilleEducationFounation.org. Wilson may be reached at awilson@batesville.k12.in.us or at 812-934-2194.