ST. LEON, IN — On Saturday, March 5th, 32 members from the East Central FFA Chapter competed in the District 12 FFA Leadership Development Events at South Ripley High School in Versailles.
Contests varied from several categories of demonstrations, multiple public speaking events, traditional and multimedia scrapbooks, and quiz bowl.
Members were evaluated and scored by several judges during their events.
The EC FFA proudly brought home two 1st place wins, three 2nd place wins, and two 3rd place wins.
Riley Shumate placed 1st in freshman prepared public speaking and Evan Kuhn earned first place in the animal science demonstration.
East Central’s second-place winners consisted of Alayna Workman in the freshman extemporaneous public speaking, Brady Hornberger and Bradley Kolb in the Agriculture mechanics and technology demonstration, and Kylee Starost and Abby Vendler in the multimedia scrapbook.
East Central’s third-place finishers were Sophie Hirt in the Ag sales presentation and Cherokee Powell in the discovery degree public speaking.
The East Central FFA Chapter competed in 22 different events.
Members who placed first will advance onto the state competition in June during the Indiana FFA State Convention.
(East Central FFA press release)