24/7 recycling facility to stop at Batesville location

Batesville, IN—Aaron Bell, the Executive Director of Southeastern Indiana Recycling District spoke at last evening’s Batesville Town Council meeting. The center, like other recycling centers across the state, have been experiencing people dumping non-recyclable materials outside of the containers that are available to bring items at no charge.  This has forced the facility to close the 24/7 access containers in the front of the building starting Friday, December 20. 

This is a growing problem.  Decatur County in recent months was forced to remove the City of Greensburg’s recycling containers after continuous amounts of trash being dumped day after day.  Cameras on site were no deterrent to the issue.  Recycling will be available during office hours only on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 1-6p and Saturdays 8a-12p.  The Council asked several questions in regard to how they could help the situation, and Bell’s answer was please help educate people on what can and can’t be recycled. 

Bell stated that he knows this is a huge inconvenience to those residents living outside Batesville and the surrounding area that does not have a curbside pick-up, but it is also an inconvenience to them as well.