Ziemke’s bill expanding addiction, mental health resources could soon be law

Indianapolis, In. — After receiving unanimous support in the House and Senate, Republican state representative from Batesville Cindy Ziemke’s legislation allowing more qualified health professionals to work without burdensome oversight could soon become law.

According to Ziemke, licensed social workers, mental health counselors, clinical addiction counselors and marriage and family therapists have the skills necessary to administer outpatient treatment to patients struggling with addiction or mental health. However, these health professionals in Indiana must currently have additional oversight from a doctor.

“These barriers push qualified clinical social workers to look for work in other states with this law already in place,” Ziemke said. “Indiana should provide them the flexibility to administer treatment plans to those struggling with addiction or mental health issues. Our state faces a workforce shortage in the health care field, and this legislation could help attract qualified individuals to work in our communities.”

Ziemke said these licensed professionals would need to possess a master’s degree to offer outpatient treatment to patients.

House Enrolled Act 1175 is now eligible for action by the governor. For more information, click here.