Youth Worker Cafe highlights top youth issues

Greensburg, IN—The Decatur County United Fund hosted the Decatur County Youth worker Café Tuesday at the Decatur County REMC.  The Indiana Youth Institute presented the State of the Child 2020 demographic date information to the crowd.   The data presented was on overview of state statistics reported from the Department of Education for Decatur County as well as correlated information against State and national data. 

Decatur County ranked 29th overall for child well being.  The largest issues for the area continue to be a lack of mental health options for youth and a lack of early education options.  The data was presented by Sarah Micich, Director of Data and Research at IYI. 

The Decatur County United Fund hosts three Youth Worker Cafes per year.  Joane Cunningham stated that the intent of the cafes is to gather all of the individuals and agencies in the community that works with the youth of Decatur County including schools and not-for-profits.  The events are free but do need to register in advance as there is a lunch provided.  The next Youth worker café will be held on May 14 at the Decatur County REMC.  To review the snapshot information on any county in Indiana from IYI, click here.