GREENSBURG, IN — The Women in Business (WIB) committee is doing just what the theme says: they are shifting. The committee felt it was in the best interest of all involved to SHIFT and run the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Conference as a virtual format again this year.
A new date has been set for October 7, 2021, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm using the Zoom platform. While everyone would love to be in person, they feel this is the right choice given the current health concerns and changes happening in our areas right now. The health and safety of everyone involved is the number one priority. The committee, comprised of Mandy Lohrum, Lora Williams, Dana Witkemper, Morgan Oesterling, Pam Hersley, and Dawn Lowe is confident they can bring a quality conference AND keep everyone safe and healthy by SHIFTING to this new platform.
What does that mean for an attendee? Well, it means you get to watch the conference from the comfort of your home or office AND you will NOT be exposed to anything other than a great time, cool items in your swag bag, and some pretty exceptional speakers!
The swag bags are back by popular demand with very strategically picked items for this year’s theme of SHIFT. “We have really exceptional items going into this year’s bags compliments of many great partners,” commented Dawn Lowe Executive Director for the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce. “We have great items from sponsors such as First Financial Bank, Vera Bradley, Tree City Bee Co., Enneking Auto Body, and True Blue Autos, Lohrum Electric, Williams Law Office, Dana Witkemper State Farm Insurance, The Napoleon State Bank, and more!”
If you haven’t signed up for this year’s conference, featuring guest speakers Jill Ehnes, Vice President of E-Commerce for Delta Faucet, and LaTosha Ward, Chief Strategy Officer for BID – Business & Individual Development, there is still time. Due to postponing the date, the early bird deadline for $10 off the registration price is now September 30 at 8:30 a.m. To register, you can go to and click on the 2021 Women in Business Conference tab.
The committee also SHIFTED the protocol for vendors. “We know our vendors are coming in with limited advertising budgets and we wanted to be respectful of that plus give them great exposure so we are now offering to record for them a video up to two minutes in length that will be shown during the conference, allow them to have an item(s) in the swag bag or both!” These new options were not part of the original vendor package.
A private link will be sent to attendees a few days prior to the event for them to view the conference LIVE from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on October 7. If an attendee has a conflict with that date/time, a secured recording will be sent to him/her a few weeks post-conference. “We want to be as accommodating as possible and understand this isn’t the most ideal situation for anyone, so we are working really hard to find ways for everyone to participate,” Lowe commented.
Those who register for the conference will receive a swag bag prior to the event. Instructions for pickup times and locations will be sent to attendees at a later date via the email given when registering.
Lowe said, “We are extremely excited to be offering such a quality event right here locally. This conference recognizes a lot of really great members and sponsors, brings in very high-scale speakers that people in our communities might not otherwise have the opportunity to hear from, and allows us to pour into our attendees by empowering and igniting them.”
First Financial Bank is a business partner for the conference while Walmart and Duke Energy are keynote partners.
For more information on this event, you can go to or contact Dawn Lowe at The Chamber looks forward to “seeing” you on
October 7!
(Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce press release)