Woman Found Alive Six Days After Wreck

(Brook, IN) – A Jasper County woman is lucky to be alive after she was trapped for nearly a week in her wrecked car.

41-year-old Bieonna Cassell was found near the Newton County landfill. The wrecked vehicle was in a farm drainage ditch, and was partially underwater.

Family and friends had been searching for Cassell, with requests on social media to help find her.

Her father says it’s a miracle she was pulled out alive.

Jeremy Vanderwall was one of her rescuers.

“I noticed some dry blood on her forehead. I said, ‘Ma’am, how long you’ve been here?’ And she said, ‘I’ve been here since Wednesday night.’ And I said, ‘No, it’s…today’s Tuesday.’ I was like, ‘I think you’re confused.’ She was very conscious, very alert, very aware of how severe her injuries were,” Vanderwall said.

Cassell was flown from the scene to a hospital in Chicago.

(Network Indiana contributed to this story)