Winter weather driving tips

Brookville, IN — With winter here in full force this week, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department would like to provide a few safety tips for driving in snowy and icy road conditions.
When driving in cold weather:

• Carry items in your vehicle such as:
• shovel, broom, ice scraper
• abrasive materials such as kitty litter in case your vehicle gets stuck
• jumper cables, a flashlight, and warning devices such as flares or emergency markers
• blankets, cell phone charger, food and water
• clear vehicle surfaces (i.e. windows, hood, roof, trunk) of snow, ice, or frost

When driving in hazardous road conditions:
• Stay alert, weather conditions can change rapidly
• Avoid risky driving behavior such as
  • don’t drive if you have been drinking alcohol or using drugs
  • don’t text and drive
• slow down, leave plenty of space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you, give yourself time to stop
• ensure everyone in the vehicle is properly wearing their seatbelts, and child restraint seats are properly fastened in

What to do in a roadside emergency:
• stay with your vehicle
• set out flares or other emergency warning devices
• ensure that your exhaust pipe is clear of snow or other debris
• conserve fuel: only run your vehicle’s engine long enough to get warm