Wildcats CC Results At Union County

Four Franklin County Ladies represented the Wildcats with individual scores at the Union County High School Early Bird Invitational on Wednesday, August 15th.

Junior Taylor Stewart was the top finisher for Franklin County. She finished 11th, with a time of 24:56. Kairee Hodapp was behind her with a time of 26:05. Freshman, Katherine Apsley, ran very well in her first cross country meet and finished in the top twenty. Josie Selm’s time of 29:21, was 6 minutes faster than her first showing last year.

It was a great start to the girls cross country season.

The Franklin County Boys Cross Country team started out their cross country season with some great times, despite the wet weather and some slippery conditions.

Drew Grant had a top 10 finish with 9th place. He had a time of 18:56. Kyle Seibert time of 19:25 just missed the top 10 with 11th place. His time was almost 6 minutes faster than the start of his season last year. Freshmen, Adam Grant and Ben Maze, made a strong showing with times of 20:56 and 21:25. Cole Klusman was close behind with a time of 22:31, and Jackson Brumback had a great start to his season with a time that was 5 minutes faster than last year.

Courtesy of Wildcats Coach Stacey Nobbe.