Wildcats CC Results At Randolph Southern

The Wildcat Girls Cross Country Team gave their strongest performance, so far this season, at the Randolph Southern Cross Country meet on Saturday, September 9th. They placed 4th out of 12 teams, and had three top 20 finishers.

Freshman, Lauren Kelley, continues to race with a fierce determination and finished in 5th place, with a time of 20:59. Junior, Taylor Stewart, placed 17th and set a new personal record, with a time of 22:55. Sophomore, Katelyn Meyer, continues to surge forward with her race placement and faster times. She earned 19th place with a personal record time of 23:00. Seniors, Kat Putnick and Novalynne Beck, are just seconds away from career personal records with their times of 25:09 and 25:11 respectively. Freshman, Josie Selm, set yet another personal record with a time of 26:25. She has improved by over five minutes this year.

The Lady Wildcat runners are training hard to continue their faster trend and top placings as the season progresses.

The Wildcat Boys Cross Country team placed 7th out of 13 teams at the Randolph Southern Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 9th.

Senior, Cody Moore, had another strong performance and was the top finisher for Franklin County. He placed 11th, with a time of 18:31. Senior, Evan Apsley also placed in the top 25. He placed 23rd, with a time of 19:02. This was a meet with a lot of personal records and achievements. Besides the two top 25 finishers, freshman, Drew Grant, dropped below the 20 minute mark, with a time of 19:55. Senior, Hunter Mayfield, dropped his time, by over a minute, to 22:56. Freshman, Jackson Brumback, has improved by almost 5 minutes this season, with a time of 25:28. Sophomores, Kyle Seibert and Tanner Lainhart are just seconds from hitting new PRs this season.

The Wildcat runners are getting faster with each meet, and moving up in team ranking with every meet.

Courtesy of Wildcats Coach Stacey Nobbe.