VP’s brother announces congressional run

Photo by Mike Wolanin, The Republic.

Columbus, In. — The Republican party is asking voters to send another Pence to Washington D. C. Greg Pence, brother of Vice President Mike Pence announced his candidacy for congress in the 6th District of Indiana.

Political pundits say Pence is a favorite because of his name recognition and ability to raise money.

Greg Pence, who once ran the family’s Kiel Brothers Oil Company gas station and convenience store business, has been a close confidant to the Vice President. The business declared bankruptcy in 2004. In March of 2005 the Indianapolis Star reported the business owed more than $8 million to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and more than $700,000 to the Indiana Department of Revenue. Six months after the filing then governor Mitch Daniels appointed Pence as the second in command of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

He will battle Muncie businessman Jonathon Lamb and state Representative Mike Crider from Greenfield. Democrats in the race include Lane Siekman, Jim Pruett, Arturas Kerelis and Jeanine Lee Lake.

Primary Election Day is May 8, 2018. The General Election will be held on November 6, 2018.