Visit 3 state park properties on motorcycle ride

Versailles, IN—Motorcycle riders can experience the beauty of Indiana state park properties and contribute to their upkeep on a June 29 charity ride through three locations.
Three ride routes are available with different stops and activities on each route. All of them begin with breakfast at Hardy Lake from 7 to 10 a.m.

From there, riders have a choice. Route 1 will take them to Charlestown State Park, where they can get their photo taken at Rose Island, then to Spring Mill State Park for a tour and lunch provided by the Friends of Spring Mill.

Route 2 will take them to Charlestown State Park and then Clifty Falls State Park, where riders can enjoy lunch and views of waterfalls.

Route 3 will take them to Versailles State Park to participate in a poker run, then to Clifty Falls State Park.

Ride length varies depending on the route.

Cost is $38 per person and $34 passenger until the day of the event, when the cost will be $40 per person/$36 passenger.

The charity ride is a collaboration between Indiana State Parks, the Friends of Hardy Lake, the Friends of Versailles State Park, the Friends of Spring Mill State Park, and the Friends of Charlestown State Park.

For more information about the ride, including directions and maps for the routes, see