UWFC offering 2021 Live United Scholarship to Franklin, Ripley County students

Franklin/Ripley Counties, IN — The United Way of Franklin County is pleased to announce the Live United Scholarship application for 2021.

The Live United scholarship is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to serving Franklin County or Ripley County by making a positive impact in our community through community service. Current high school seniors or GED graduates, along with current post-secondary students of any age are eligible. The student must be a resident of Franklin County or Ripley County. Family and household members of Franklin County United Way staff, Board of Directors, and Scholarship Selection Committee are not eligible to receive an award.

This year, two scholarships will be given – one to a student in each Franklin and Ripley Counties. Applications must be submitted by mail or presented in person at the office of the United Way of Franklin County. The applications must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2021. Applicants selected to be finalists may be required to participate in a personal interview.

Applications are available at the United Way of Franklin County office located at 518 Main St. Brookville, IN; all high school guidance offices in Franklin County; or download at www.uwfcin.org/scholarship; for additional information or questions contact Kelly Bulmer by email at kelly@uwfcin.org.

(United Way of Franklin County press release)