Two Switzerland County bridges set for replacement

Switzerland County, In. — Officials from the Indiana Department of Transportation officials say two bridges Craig Township of Switzerland County will be removed and replaced by Indianapolis-based Milestone Contractors. The work is valued at $3,695,455.

Workers will build a new bridge over Tucker Run and over Green Valley Creek. Both bridges are on State Road 56.

Tucker Run Bridge 

A 3-span concrete bulb-T bridge measuring 200 feet in length with nearly 33 feet of clear roadway side-to-side will be built one-half-at-a-time at Tucker Run.  State Road 56 traffic will be controlled by temporary signals at either end of the construction site.  Clearing should take place this month, but crew mobilization will not occur until mid-October when signals are activated.  The new bridge is tentatively scheduled to open to traffic in November, 2019.

Green Valley Creek Bridge 

Approximately 1000 feet of new pavement will be put in place to realign State Road 56 for bridge construction just north of the current Green Valley Creek structure.  By realigning the roadway, free-flow traffic can be maintained until it’s time to tie the new pavement into the existing State Road 56 route. At that time, a 14-day closure will be required to complete the connection.

Clearing for construction at Green Valley Creek is tentatively scheduled for October 1.  Utility relocations will occur until mid- to late-December.  On January 7, 2019, actual bridge building operations begin.  The closure on State Road 56 is scheduled to begin May 1, 2019—with scenic highway and its new bridge reopening May 15.

This new State Road 56 bridge is a single span concrete I-beam structure measuring 68 feet in length and 30 feet side-to-side.

The traffic count on that section of road is 2,257 vehicles per day.