The Oldenburg Academy posted an 11-2 win over The Seton Catholic Cardinals of Richmond.
SC-200 000 0. 2-4-1
OA-201 008 x. 11-15-2
For OA:
Matty Hurm 2-4, 2 runs, rbi
Nick Bischoff 2-3, 2 runs, rbi, bb
Sam Gast 2-3, 2 runs, 2 doubles, 2 rbi, bb, sb
Tanner Alley 1-4, rbi
Clay Hunger run
Aaron Huber 2-3, run, rbi, bb, sb
Cory Schuman 2-4, run, double, rbi
Tyler Hesselbrock 3-4, run, 2 doubles, 2 rbi
Zach Pottschmidt 1-2, run, rbi
Tyler Hogg 7 IP, 2 runs, 1 earned, 4 hits, 3 bb, 4 k, 2 hbp. Win.
Varsity Record: 14-8
Next game: Doubleheader at Switzerland County (5-16).
Courtesy of Twisters Coach Doug Behlmer.