The Oldenburg Academy Twisters shut out The Southwestern Shelby Spartans 10-0 in 5 innings.
SW-000 00 0 1 7
OA-341 02 10 8 1
OA Batting.
Matty Hurm 1-3, 2 runs, bb; Nick Bischoff 1-4, run, bb, rbi; Tyler Hesselbrock 0-2, run, sac fly rbi; Sam Gast 1-3, rbi; Chase Hogg run, sb; Tanner Alley 2-3, 2 rbi; Aaron Huber 1-3, rbi, sb; Bryce Ahaus 2-2, 3 runs, bb, 3 sb; Tyler Hogg 0-2, run, bb, sb; Clay Hunger run.
OA Pitching.
Cory Schuman 5 IP, 0 runs, 1 hit, 9 k, 2 bb Win
OA Varsity record: 4-2
Next game: April 16 at Lawrenceburg
“Cory put it in the strike zone all afternoon which is exactly what we needed. We were able to put the ball in play and took advantage of their miscues while racking up 8 hits.” Twisters Coach Doug Behlmer.