Tri-state braces for heavy rain, flooding

Wilmington, Oh. — Forecasters from the National Weather Service estimate most areas in eastern Indiana have already received between 1 and 1/12 inches of rain as of Wednesday morning. Low-pressure will continue to track over the tri-state creating a wet period through Thursday night when rain is expected to change to snow. Little or no snow accumulation is expected.

Forecasters expect a nearly 40-degree temperature swing from noon Thursday to noon Friday.

The low-pressure system is expected to strengthen Thursday bringing periods of heavy rain to the area.

By the time the system passes three-and-a-half inches of rain could fall.

During a flooding event, officials from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security say:

During a Flood:

  • Get to higher ground.
  • Evacuate if flooding is possible.
  • Have alternate escape routes in case one is blocked.
  • Take pets with you if you evacuate. However, many shelters usually do NOT allow pets inside due to sanitary conditions so plan accordingly.
  • Do NOT try and drive through water. As little as 2 feet can wash away most vehicles, and just a few inches can stall a vehicle or wash away the roadway.
  • Do NOT try to cross moving water on foot.  As little as a few inches can knock an adult off their feet.
  • Monitor TV, radio and social media to find out what actions to take next.

Officials remind motorists that most flood deaths occur in vehicles- Turn Around, Don’t Drown!

For more information from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security please click here.