Tickets on sale now for ‘Kids Kick Drugs’ at the YMCA

Batesville, In. — The Southeastern Indiana YMCA will host the “Kids Kick Drugs” program Saturday, May 11 from 9:00-11:30 AM. The event will feature activities that demonstrate the dangers of drugs and alcohol abuse.

Senior Master George Dwenger, the Mayor’s Youth Council and the Drug Coalition for a Drug Free Batesville have brought several guest speakers including retired Indiana State Police Trooper and self-defense instructor Tami Watson.

The cost is $5-per person, not exceed $10-per family and can be purchased by calling 812-934-6006. In order to ensure there is adequate food and refreshments RSVPs are encouraged. A T-shirt is included with any Ticket purchase before May 2.

Parents of children 7-years-old and younger are recommended to stay for the event.

For more information click here.