Sunman-Dearborn continues to see Strategic Plan alignment and progress

St. Leon, IN — Sunman-Dearborn Community School Corporation approved a new five-year strategic plan in June, 2022. The school is already seeing progress towards the goals and objectives as well as significant alignment.

The plan creates objectives and goals in the areas of Core Instruction, Resources, Financial, Culture/Climate/Safety, and Leadership/Service, and serves as a roadmap for the school corporation and its employees for the next five years.

This year, the school corporation received a waiver from the Indiana Department of Education to allow for an early release day each month for teachers to receive professional development on
instruction, ensuring the school corporation meets the Core Instruction Goal to deliver quality instruction through the consistent implementation of research-based best practices.

The current $54 million building project is in its third and final year. Also, the school corporation is investing nearly $800,000 in technology this year to update and improve the network
infrastructure, replace over 1,000 Chromebooks for students, and replace over 300 desktops for our staff. The investment in our facilities and technology has made significant progress towards
the goal to provide state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and technology to develop and strengthen students’ abilities, preparing them for their future goals and aspirations.

Sunman-Dearborn continues to maintain a healthy and responsible cash balance while continuing to be the highest compensated staff in Southeastern Indiana when comparing combined salary and benefits with other local school corporations. In addition, Sunman-Dearborn recently received notification their 2023 budget was approved by the Department of Local Government Finance, which established a property tax rate of $1.115 – the second lowest property tax rate in the history of the school corporation. The budget and tax rate are consistent with the Strategic Plan Core Value of Stewardship – “We serve students by being good stewards of the public resources and making all decisions in an honest, ethical, and transparent manner.”

“Our current Strategic Plan continues to be our compass. Both our prior Strategic Plan and current Strategic Plan start with the board’s vision of what the school corporation will and can be
in five years. Our progress and growth are not accidental or by happenstance. It is the intentional and focused effort and dedication of our staff working together,” said Superintendent Dr. Andrew Jackson.

“’Watch Sunman-Dearborn’ is more than just a hashtag. It represents the pride our staff, students, parents, and community have in our schools and the continued growth
and improvements we will accomplish together,” Dr. Jackson added.

You can find out more information about the Five-Year Strategic Plan by going to the website at From there, you can also
click on the Strategic Plan Dashboard to track the progress.

(Sunman-Dearborn Community School Corporation press release)