Stayin’ Alive accepting grants aimed to reduce substance abuse

Brookville, IN — Stayin’ Alive, Franklin County Local Coordinating Council, is accepting grant applications for projects and programs that aim to reduce substance abuse problems in Franklin County.

Applications must address the problem statements identified within the State of Indiana’s approved Franklin County Comprehensive Community Plan. Stayin’ Alive’s mission is to promote a safer and healthier community by reducing the problematic use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in Franklin County. Stayin’ Alive is responsible for allocating county monies received from fees assessed from alcohol and drug-related offenders. Stayin’ Alive receives proposals, evaluates applications, interviews agencies, and determines allocation amounts.

Monies will be awarded in three categories: Prevention & Education, Justice & Law Enforcement and Treatment & Intervention. Grant award size is strictly contingent on state regulations and will vary by circumstances, need, program model, number of applicants, and the amount available.

To complete an online application, click here call 765-647-SASA (7272) for more information.

Applications are due no later than 12 pm on March 3, 2021.