Indianapolis, In. — Recently, the Senate Republican Caucus announced our 2019 legislative priorities. During the next several months, we will work to prioritize the following initiatives:
Maintain an honestly balanced budget
Like all hardworking Indiana residents who balance their checkbooks, we know that responsible government means making tough choices and spending within our means. This legislative session, we will work to pass a two-year state budget that funds priorities and protects reserves.
Protect vulnerable children
Due in part to the drug epidemic, the Department of Child Services’ (DCS) staff and resources are being stretched too thin when it comes to protecting our state’s children. We will support operational reforms as well as an appropriate level of new funding for DCS.
Support education
With more than half of the state’s General Fund devoted to K-12 education, Indiana spends a higher percentage of its budget on education than all but two other states. We will maintain that strong commitment to students, teachers and schools in the next budget.
Improve school safety
Protecting schools from violence takes vigilance on the part of every Indiana resident. At the Statehouse, Senate Republicans will work on school-safety improvements based on the recommendations made to Gov. Holcomb last year, including allowing Secured School Safety Grantsto be used for mental and behavioral health services.
Advance workforce development
To address Indiana’s long-term skills gap, the General Assembly has implemented many workforce-development reforms in recent years. In 2019, we will focus on changes to ensure our existing training programs result in meaningful career paths for all Indiana residents.
To stay up to date on what is happening at the Statehouse during session, visit to view session meetings, committee hearings, calendars, proposed legislation, vote tallies and more.