State Rep. Frye offers Halloween safety message

Greensburg, In. — Halloween is a time for spooky fun for children, families and local communities. Trick-or-treating, dressing up and eating candy are all part of the festivities. With the holiday quickly approaching, it’s a good time to remember a few safety tips from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to help everyone enjoy Halloween.

While trick-or-treating, remember to avoid going anywhere alone and to stay in well-lit areas. Children should always been accompanied by an adult. If your child is older and will be going out with friends, make a plan together so that you know where they will be. Remind them not to enter the homes or cars of strangers.

When going from house to house, always walk and stay on sidewalks whenever possible. Put down any electronic devices that may serve as a distraction from paying attention to your surroundings and consider using a flashlight to help you see in the dark.

Motorists should remember to stay alert and drive with care. It’s important that trick-or-treaters also exercise caution when crossing the street and look both ways before proceeding. Cross the street at corners and crosswalks. People wearing brightly colored costumes are easier for drivers to spot. It’s also a good idea to fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags, especially for when the sun goes down. Keeping costumes at a short length will help prevent trips and falls.

For some, a costume is not complete without the use of props and accessories. However, please remember to keep props short, soft and flexible. This will help prevent any injury to friends and family. In addition, masks can obstruct a child’s vision, which can put them in danger. To prevent this, consider using non-toxic face paint as an alternative to a bulky mask.

Although cases of tampering with candy are rare, they do happen. As hard as it may be, make sure your children know to wait to eat any of their candy until they get back home and check it all. Examine all treats and be sure to throw anything away that looks like it has been opened, is not in its original wrapper or has an unusual appearance.

While some of these tips may seem obvious, it’s always a good idea to refresh to help prevent a dangerous situation. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security offers more Halloween safety tips at

The exact time permitted for trick-or-treating varies depending on where you live so be sure to check your community’s hours before setting out for the night. Several police and fire departments around our area will be providing easy, safe and fun trick-or-treating events. Many local schools and churches are also hosting trunk-or-treat events, where kids go from car to car and receive goodies from festively decorated vehicles.

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