SEIREMC planned outage revised

OSGOOD, IN — Southeastern Indiana REMC would like to remind its members in the Hidden Valley area of Dearborn County of a planned outage scheduled for the morning of April 19 to change out an unsafe utility pole.

The outage, which will impact approximately 1,000 members, is scheduled to begin between 9:30 and 10 am and last approximately three hours.

“We expanded the scope of the work to be done and the number of members that will be affected by this planned outage to enable our crews to complete the entire job at once, rather than inconveniencing the members again with another planned outage to complete the work,” said Line Superintendent Jim Downey.

Southeastern Indiana REMC apologizes for the inconvenience this will cause and encourages all members in the affected location to prepare for this interruption in service.

For more information about the Southeastern Indiana REMC, visit

(Southeastern Indiana REMC press release)