State Representative Randy Frye (R-Greensburg) is in Beech Grove Wednesday for the opening of the second liquefied natural gas facility in Central Indiana.
The Kinetrex Energy facility is the second location to open since October.
“What we’re witnessing is an energy revolution in America and today’s announcement is one more example of the success Indiana’s natural gas infrastructure is making,” Frye stated.
The new facility is not public site but commercial station for tractor trailers.
BP Capital Management CEO T. Boone Pickens, a leading advocate for alternative energy, Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann and Indianapolis city officials will be present for the opening along with Frye.
The State of Indiana continues to see real fuel cost savings. According to Frye, since its inception in 2012 Indiana has saved $2,756,965. running alternative fuel sources like natural gas. Frye has been pushing legislation that promotes natural gas as an alternative
He said, “The future of trucks and cars alike fueled by clean, domestic, and far less expensive natural gas is a reality in Indiana. I’m proud to have played a very small part.”