Royalty Crowned at Batesville Kiwanis AppleFest

Pictured from left to right are the Applefest Queen Katie Vodzak; Miss Apple Blossom Aurora Smith; Mr. Apple Bud Griffin Baum; Princess Apple Dumpling Hazel Prickel; Prince Apple Jack Calvin Ollier, and Applefest King Jim Meyer. (Provided Photo)

(Batesville, IN) – The Batesville Kiwanis’ 34th AppleFest took place Saturday and Sunday at Liberty Park.

One of Sunday’s highlights was the Apple Royalty Pageant.

Hazel Prickel was chosen Princess Apple Dumpling; Prince Apple Jack is Calvin Ollier; Miss Apple Blossom is Aurora Smith, and Griffin Baum was named Mr. Apple Bud.

This year’s AppleFest Queen is Katie Vodzak, and Jim Meyer was selected AppleFest King.

Vodzak was nominated by her niece, Isla Padgett, while Meyer was nominated by his grandson, Carter Meyer.

The pageant is coordinated by the Batesville High School Key Club and features Batesville Primary and St. Louis School kindergarten and second grade students. Sixth graders from Batesville Middle School and St. Louis School nominate citizens to be honored as AppleFest King and Queen.