Ripley County Community Foundation Grants $31,500 in Response to COVID-19

Pictured are Ken Bowling and Bill Warren at the Ripley County Food Pantry.

Ripley County, IN— In response to these unprecedented times, the Ripley County Community Foundation (RCCF) created the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant to assist local nonprofit organizations that are serving Ripley County residents impacted by COVID-19.  Over the last four weeks, approximately $31,500 has been granted to fifteen organizations.

Generous donations from donors to the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant have allowed the Community Foundation to aid Ripley County.  Donors who have contributed to the fund were First Financial Foundation, Global Atlantic, the Todd and Diane Rynn Fund, Duke Energy, Hillrom, Bull Fork Honey, and Bobbie Brandes. 

The recipients of COVID Rapid Response Grants are as follows:

  • Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce received $2,500 to provide resources for local businesses.
  • Batesville Area Resource Center received $2,500 to aid the One Batesville Task Force Fund.
  • Dearborn County Health Foundation received $2,500 to purchase Personal Protective Equipment needed to treat Ripley County citizens.
  • Delaware Volunteer Fire Department received $500 to assist with the purchase of a Personal Protective Equipment Gear Washing Machine.
  • Gibson Theatre received $2,500 to pay utility bills that accumulated due to loss of revenue from being shut down.
  • Hispanic Community Advisory Committee received $2,500 to provide a COVID-19 relief fund to clients.
  • Kids Discovery Factory received $2,500 to cover operating expenses due to lost revenue.
  • Milan Community School Corporation received $2,500 to purchase healthcare supplies for monthly hygiene bags given to students.
  • New Horizon’s Rehabilitation received $900 to buy computer equipment that would allow case managers to stay in contact with clients virtually.
    Ripley County Humane Society
  • One Community One Family received $2,500 to assist with additional costs incurred to provide mental health services to Ripley County teenagers and young adults.
  • Ripley County Food Pantry received $2,500 to purchase food.
  • Ripley County Humane Society received $625 to cover costs incurred with housing abandoned animals as a result of COVID-19 hardships.
  • Safe Passage received $2,500 to provide emergency overflow of housing.
  • Southeastern Indiana Voices for Children received $2,500 to supplement programming costs which are higher due to the additional needs created by COVID-19.
  • United Methodist Women received $2,000 to support the Backdoor Friends in Faith

To make a donation to aid those impacted by COVID-19, visit our website at or stop by our office at 13 E. George St., Suite B Batesville, IN 47006.  Contact us at (812) 933-1098 or with questions or more information on our grants.