The updated countywide Covid-19 metrics were released at noon on Wednesday, November 18. Both Ripley and Franklin counties were designated with a RED status, which greatly impacts attendance at extracurricular events.
Under the RED classification, Batesville Community School Corp. sporting events will be limited to the following:
1) Maximum of two (2) people per player in attendance, which are required to be parents/guardians.
2) There will be a sign-in sheet at the door with the player’s name and the adults representing the player will sign in and pay admission.
3) Anyone at risk or being symptomatic should refrain from attending.
4) Band, cheerleaders, and dance team will not be participating on Nov. 20.
5) Only the minimum number of workers and staff will be utilized.
6) No students will be permitted to attend on Nov. 20.
7) Face coverings will be worn at all times, including workers and media personnel.
8) Additional precaution recommended: When their child is not dressed to play for a game, parents should not be in attendance. For example, JV parents should leave after the JV game, and parents of varsity players should only attend the varsity game.
The athletic department greatly appreciates the support of everyone for our athletic programs. We understand this does keep many fans from supporting our programs in person. If you are unable to attend the game, the athletic department is offering a couple of outlets for you to view our games.
The HOME games will be broadcast on our school YouTube channel “BHS Social Media” Simply, go online at and search BHS Social Media. Scroll down the page and you will be able to access the games online.
The HOME games will also be hosted by Once at the site, you will scroll down to Affiliates and click on the Batesville icon to be directed to the game of your choice.
In addition to our school broadcasts, always check the local media outlets including WRBI.