RICHMOND, Ind. — The growing national attention and concern about the Ebola virus has been a topic and focus at Reid Hospital for several weeks, hospital officials said.
And now the team has implemented an “Ebola Technical Advisory Group” as an additional precaution.
“Though we have been watching and discussing the Ebola concerns for quite a while, we recently implemented the internal advisory group, which is making sure our front-line staff is well-versed on how to handle any suspected cases of this or any other infectious disease,” said Dr. Tom Huth, Reid Vice President/Medical Affairs.
Dr. Huth noted that health officials believe the risk of Ebola reaching the area is low, “but we are in the business of being prepared for the unexpected – so we are taking precautions and planning steps.”
As national concerns grew, the advisory group was formed to address Ebola worries and ramp up education about the disease. Representatives include physicians from various areas, Reid safety experts, infection control, emergency department and other key staff members, Huth said.
Ebola is not transmitted through the air, but only through direct contact with bodily fluids, making it less contagious than some infections. “All hospitals have long had in place proper procedures for dealing with an illness transmitted through bodily fluids,” he said.