RCHD issues guide for event planning over 250 people

Versailles, IN — The Ripley County Health Department has announced the County’s guide to planning events of over 250 people as per the Indiana Governor’s Executive Order that all event organizers within the State of Indiana must develop and submit plans for events with more than 250 attendees to their respective County Health Department.

This requirement applies to all seasonal and special events to include fairs, festivals, parades, graduations, outdoor concerts, outdoor movies (other than drive-ins), family reunions, conferences or weddings. Plans will need to be submitted 14 business days prior to the event to Ripley County Health Department and can be emailed to rchdcovid@ripleycounty.com or mailed to RCHD P.O. Box 745, Versailles, IN 47042
Plans MUST address the following:
• Capacity limits:
Steps shall be to be taken to ensure capacity does not exceed the limits set by the Indiana Governor Executive
• Guest information:
Event organizers shall maintain a list of event attendees for 30 days following the end of the event.
Ensure guests are informed to stay home if sick or part of a vulnerable population. Ensure guests are informed to stay home if sick, part of the vulnerable population, have recently traveled to a known COVID-19 problem area as well if have had recent contact with a presumptive COVID-19 positive or confirmed COVID-19 positive
• Staff and Volunteer Screening
Plans must be in place for the screening of guests upon arrival for COVID-19 symptoms.
• Social Distancing Measures
Multiple entrances/exits, designated seating, one-way traffic flow, signage, ground markings
• Increased Sanitation
Detailed steps must be outlined for properly sanitizing event venues including restrooms and frequently touched surfaces.
• Face Coverings
Per the Indiana Governor’s Executive Order, effective July 27, 2020, face coverings are required for anyone 8 years or older in all indoor public spaces, commercial entities, transportation services, or in outside public spaces when social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained.
• Compliance
organizers must identify an event staff or volunteer to make sure people are adhering to the plan.
• Approval
Ripley County Health Department must review, approve/disapprove, in writing, all plans prior to the event occurring.