Batesville, IN — The Ripley County Community Foundation recognizes the service of two out-going Board Members: Steve Huff, who served as the Board’s President for the past two years, and Bill Narwold, who served as the Board’s Secretary for the past two years. Per policy, both gentlemen are stepping down after serving their maximum number of terms. With this, the Board of Directors will gain three new creative members: Megan Gray, Ben Peetz, and Jill Tunny.
The Board of Directors determine, monitor, and strengthen the Ripley County Community Foundation’s programs and services, while also managing resources effectively and providing guidance and support to employees within the organization. The Board is composed of community members that represent all areas of Ripley County, and each member can serve two, three-year terms. The officers of the Board of Directors include a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
“The Ripley County Community Foundation’s Board of Directors is representative of our county’s civic, economic, and cultural makeup. Steve and Bill’s input navigated our work over the last six years, leaving a legacy of thoughtful grantmaking and strategic alliances,” stated Amy Streator, Executive Director of the Ripley County Community Foundation. Streator further noted, “As an organization, we thank Steve and Bill for their service, and we extend a warm welcome to a new cohort of individuals who will bring fresh insight to our mission.”
With the three additional members, the Ripley County Community Foundation’s Board of Directors will have a total of eleven members. With Huff’s retirement, current Board Member, Nancy Durham, will step-up to serve as the Board of Directors’ new President beginning in January 2021. Additional Board of Directors includes Dan Harmeyer (Vice President), Jim Black (Treasurer), Anita Fledderman, Lori Holt, Norman Knudson, and Dawn Wehr.